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RFC divide received goods over different locations

Gerald De Waele
- 11/06/2018 09:24:48

We want to implement a location structure hierarchy with a combination of :

 twobin zone,
 lean lift
 normal stock zone.

We want to use this priorization for put away when we receive product A

1. stock/twobin/1 has max capacity of 5 PCS  product A - suppose there is 0 stock
2. stock/twobin/2 has max capacity of 5 PCS product A - suppose there are 3 PCS
3. stock/lean_lift/1 has max capacity of 30 qty of product A - suppose there are 20 PCS
4. stock/A (here is no max capacity)

So when I receive 100 PCS of product A these should divided like this : 

5 PCS to stock/twobin/1
2 PCS to stock/twobin/2
10 PCS to stock/lean_lift/1
83 PCS to stock/A

I'm using the excellent module to configure the put away strategy : https://github.com/OCA/stock-logistics-warehouse/tree/10.0/stock_putaway_product.

I cannot find any module that supports my proposed approach.

Is there some guidance you experts could give me that would solve this problem using existing modules ?

If not, my approach would extend the functionality of stock_putaway_product :

model : stock.product.putaway.strategy - add product_max_location_capacity

When the warehouse user presses a (provide) button to the receive view,  the operation lines are created like this  :

5 PCS to stock/twobin/1
2 PCS to stock/twobin/2
10 PCS to stock/lean_lift/1
83 PCS to stock/A

Any comments on this ?
