Logistics mailing list archives



RE: MTS + MTO Rule applicable in manufacturing orders

Quartile Limited, Yoshi Tashiro
- 09/08/2016 00:59:21



I thought MTS + JIT would practically achieve the result you describe except that the purchase order wouldn’t be linked to the original source of demand (i.e. MO).  You need PO to be linked to MO?



Yoshi Tashiro


From: Jordi Ballester Alomar [mailto:jordi.ballester@eficent.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2016 12:08 AM
To: Logistics <logistics@odoo-community.org>
Subject: MTS + MTO Rule applicable in manufacturing orders


Dear logistic experts,


Does anyone know if the "Stock MTS + MTO Rule" could work when a manufacturing order is confirmed, to purchase only the components that are not in stock?


Seems to me that as it is now, components from a manufacturing order can only be supplied either from stock or from order, for the whole quantity, one or the other.





Jordi Ballester Alomar

CEO & Founder | Eficent

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