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Automatic calculation of stock replenishments

6it, Jean-Marc Dupont
- 07/10/2015 10:19:15
Hi everybody,

I would like to know if someone has developped a module to automatically (on demand or periodically) compute replenishments, based on stock turnover (and sales), and generating purchase orders based on this calculation

For example : 
On a product, during the last 2 months, an average quantity of 25 units are sold every day, and 300 units are purchased every 2 weeks, with an average delivery time of 3 days
=> when the stock is less or equal than 100 (or 125), generate a purchase order

On another period of 2 month, quantity could be less or greater => the quantities purchased and the frequence will be different

Thanks in advance for your answers

Jean-Marc DUPONT 

Agence Web, e-Commerce et Systèmes d'entreprise 

68, rue du Refuge - 84200 Carpentras

T.  -  04 84 25 17 94

Éditeur de la marque Provenc.io

1° marque e-Commerce 100% Provence
