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Re: Myself as a part of Logistic Workflow and Logistic Warehouse PSC
Re: New module l10n_vn_account_parent depending on non-oca repository
Re: Myself as a part of Logistic Workflow and Logistic Warehouse PSC
by Oihane Crucelaegui <> - 30/05/2017 10:27:28+1
2017-05-30 10:08 GMT+02:00 Cédric Pigeon <>:
Dear community,I would like to propose myself as a part of Logistic Workflow and Logistic Warehouse PSC.I work since several years in logistics projects in retail sector and would like to support this OCA topic in a deeper way.Integrating these PSCs would allow me to go one step further in the contribution.Somebody agree with that ?Regards,__________________________________________
Cédric Pigeon
Project Leader
Acsone SA, Succursale de Luxembourg
Tel : +352 20 21 10 20
Fax : +352 20 21 10 21
Gsm : +352 691 504 005Acsone sa/nv
Boulevard de la Woluwe 56 Woluwedal | B-1200 Brussels | Belgium
Zone Industrielle 22 | L-8287 Kehlen | Luxembourg
___________________________________________ ______________________________
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Oihane Crucelaegui Abad

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Myself as a part of Logistic Workflow and Logistic Warehouse PSC
byAcsone SA, Succursale de Luxembourg, Cédric Pigeon-
Re: Myself as a part of Logistic Workflow and Logistic Warehouse PSC
byAcsone SA, Succursale de Luxembourg, Cédric Pigeon -
Re: Myself as a part of Logistic Workflow and Logistic Warehouse PSC
byElico Corp, Eric Caudal -
Re: Myself as a part of Logistic Workflow and Logistic Warehouse PSC
byCamptocamp France SAS, Alexandre Fayolle -
Re: Myself as a part of Logistic Workflow and Logistic Warehouse PSC
by Oihane Crucelaegui <> - 30/05/2017 10:27:28 - 0 -
Re: Myself as a part of Logistic Workflow and Logistic Warehouse PSC
byCamptocamp France SAS, Damien Crier -
Re: Myself as a part of Logistic Workflow and Logistic Warehouse PSC
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza -
Re: Myself as a part of Logistic Workflow and Logistic Warehouse PSC
byAcsone SA/NV, Laurent Mignon