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OCA Code sprint during Odoo Experience 2016: last day to register
Re: New repo for e-orders and e-invoices ?
Re: New repo for e-orders and e-invoices ?
Alexinux, Alexis de Lattre
2016-09-20 12:38 GMT+02:00 Stéphane Bidoul <>:
I think edi is too broad.I still believe we should strive to have smaller repos where all module within them have the same maintenance and release cycle.
But several modules are format-agnostic i.e. independant of UBL and CII, such as :
- account_invoice_import
- purchase_order_import
- sale_order_import
- base_business_document_import and it's related modules
And, when I modifiy account_invoice_import, I often modify at the same time account_invoice_import_ubl and account_invoice_import_zugferd...
Alexis de Lattre
Akretion France - 35B rue Montgolfier - 69100 Villeurbanne - France
Mail :
Tel : +33 4 82 53 84 58
Mobile : +33 6 99 08 92 45
Akretion France - 35B rue Montgolfier - 69100 Villeurbanne - France
Mail :
Tel : +33 4 82 53 84 58
Mobile : +33 6 99 08 92 45
New repo for e-orders and e-invoices ?
byAlexinux, Alexis de Lattre-
Re: New repo for e-orders and e-invoices ?
byAcsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul -
Re: New repo for e-orders and e-invoices ?
byTecnativa. S. L., Pedro M. Baeza -
Re: New repo for e-orders and e-invoices ?
byAcsone SA/NV, Laurent Mignon -
Re: New repo for e-orders and e-invoices ?
byAcsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul -