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Who maintains l10n-germany OCA repository?
Alexander Bigga
Dear OCA-Community,
I've made some minor contribution to the l10n-germany [1] repository and
would continue my work on migration and fixing existing modules.
Unfortunately, the PRs are open for weeks and nothing happens.
What can I do to get my (and other) open PRs reviewed and merged? Isn't
there any maintainer of this repo? Did I miss something?
Best regards,
Alexander Bigga
PGP Key ID: 0x976307DE81F1CEBA
verdigado eG
Heilig-Kreuz-Straße 16
86609 Donauwörth
Sitz der Genossenschaft: Nürnberg
Registergericht: Amtsgericht Nürnberg
Registernummer: GnR 344
Umsatzsteuer ID: DE 329 190 191
Vorstand: Dominik Ach, Katharina Zierer
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Marc Urbatsch
Re: Who maintains l10n-germany OCA repository?
by "Holger Brunn" <> - 16/03/2023 09:49:14 - 1 -
Re: Who maintains l10n-germany OCA repository?
byAcsone SA/NV, Denis Roussel