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Re: Reconcile Widget with OWL
DIXMIT Consulting SLU, Enric Tobella Alomar
I made a commit that allows you to define the reconcile mode on bank/cash journals, I think it is as you wished :D (the part of keeping the orginal lines )
From: "Marco Marchiori" <>
To: "Contributors" <>
Date: Thu, 03 Nov 2022 21:36:53 -0000
Subject: Re: Reconcile Widget with OWL
Maybe an alternative could be to post only the reconciled entries (and not the import or the synchro entries).I don't see the point in having temporary posted entries all with the same counterpart.Sooner or later I think odoo will decide to change.MarcoIl mer 2 nov 2022, 22:06 Cyril VINH-TUNG <> ha scritto:Dear all,Here in PF (country of FR), we disagree with the modification of a posted entry.We still do like we did in v8.We had to hack both account_payment and reconciliation_widget in order to :- forbid deletion of a validated payment allow reconciliation of draft entries have to force journal setup to disable suspense accounts use. With that setup, the payment entries are validated with an intermediate account. This intermediate account is reconciled with the bank.As Odoo SA won't change the reconciliation process, I agree with Pedro that the module has to be flexible.@Alexis De Lattre what do you think ?Best regardsLe mer. 2 nov. 2022, 10:27, Pedro M. Baeza <> a écrit :Although the purist approach would be to generate a new journal entry moving the balance from the suspense account to the definitive account matched on the reconciliation widget, I think we can keep current approach for not generating too much noise, and taking into account that you can't do this in a locked period. Maybe we can introduce a parameter for choosing which one to use...Regards._______________________________________________
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Reconcile Widget with OWL
byDIXMIT Consulting SLU, Enric Tobella Alomar-
Re: Reconcile Widget with OWL
byDIXMIT Consulting SLU, Enric Tobella Alomar -
Re: Reconcile Widget with OWL
byDIXMIT Consulting SLU, Enric Tobella Alomar -
Re: Reconcile Widget with OWL
byDIXMIT Consulting SLU, Enric Tobella Alomar -