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Re: Reviews
DEC, Yann Papouin
+1 for the bw/fwport bot
It would be nice to have a new convention to tag a PR with a label like
"Review it in 30 seconds" [R30] when it is a basic/simple/quick fix
add/fwd that does not require you to soak up the functioning.
It would be nice too that a bot automatically tag an issue/PR with a
github label based on the issue/PR name or simply the target branch name
: eg: [12.0] -> 
Yann PAPOUIN, Ingénieur R&D | DEC
Yann PAPOUIN, Ingénieur R&D | DEC
Le ven. 17 sept. 2021 à 08:52, Jairo Llopis <> a écrit :
I should add that repos using the template (all AFAIK) can upgrade to the latest version and benefit from A bot will warn and close stale PRs/issues.El jue, 16 de sep de 2021 a las 12:51:48 PM, Sylvain LE GAL <> escribió:That's true ! One of the origins is the fast release rate of Odoo, which requires continuous migration of modules that, for many, do not change.Unfortunately, that situation will not change. Odoo policy seems to be : "a year = a release".Yep. They do it because they can handle it. The question is: why we can't?There are many reasons, but the one that I find most important and easiest to fix is that we need a bw/fwport bot.That will make maintenance pleasing, so we'll have more maintainers._______________________________________________
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bySunflower IT, Tom Blauwendraat-
Re: Reviews
byGroupement Régional Alimentaire de Proximité, Sylvain LE GAL -