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Re: Discover the OCA priorities for 2021 proposed by the board

Coop IT Easy SC agréée, Virginie Dewulf.
- 19/03/2021 21:53:24
Hi Tom and other contributors,

Thanks a lot for your feedback! This post received a very nice welcome, it's really motivating!

I keep note of your ideas about helping functional people get involved and participate to communicate the high value of OCA modules.
If you're motivated for the first article (we can decide later on which platform/way of keeping this content) about the import/export module, that could be a first content to directly try and see how to diffuse it!

We can keep in touch (outside from this mailing list).

To the other contributors: if any other ideas/comments come to your minds, don't hesitate!

Have a nice end of week and super cool week-end!

-------- Message initial --------
De: Tom Blauwendraat <>
Répondre à: Odoo Community Association (OCA) Contributors <>
Objet: Re: Discover the OCA priorities for 2021 proposed by the board
Date: Wed, 17 Mar 2021 09:47:32 -0000

PS. Instead of blogs, which are perhaps a bit flighty and lose their actuality value over time, it could also be some kind of permanent wiki or github-based website, which is updated and community-reviewed as time goes by, with the latest insights per functional topic and Odoo version.

Anyway, ideas ideas... good luck in the new board for 2021!

Op 3/17/21 om 10:38 AM schreef Tom Blauwendraat:

Hi Virginie

In the post you are mentioning people to react below the blog post, but I can't... so then here:

As a part of communication - maybe a method can be to make a platform that facilitates functional people to write attractive documentation/blogs/howto's about solving Odoo problems with OCA modules. For one, this could supplement the thorough lack of documentation on Odoo CE; but also, if consultants and clients read these blogs with examples and understand better that OCA modules are better than alternatives, because they:

- usually solve problems in the best way, as there is hard-won community consensus on their design
- are designed to interoperate together as a holistic eco-system
- are extendible (even better than most Odoo modules are)
- are quality-controlled
- are OpenUpgradable
- etc.

Then they would understand better why it can be commercially more interesting to choose OCA modules and avoid technical debt, then go for the latest and greatest Odoo version supported by some crude customizations and App Store modules, and become disappointed in Odoo in the long run. And then, they would also become motivated to financially support OCA.

A case in point is for example the import/export modules in the "queue" repository - I'm seeing so many inferior hand-rolled syncing implementations lately, that I'm very motivated to write a furious blog to tell everyone to stop doing that and build on the OCA solution. But now, aside from starting my own blog on the subject, I wouldn't know where to place such an article.


Op 3/17/21 om 10:12 AM schreef Virginie Dewulf:
Hello contributors,

Here is our latest blog post to present the 2021 OCA priorities proposed by the Board:

Don't hesitate to come back to us/me if you'd like to give your feedback!

Have a nice day,

Virginie for the Board

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