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Re: Yet another followup module ?
Acsone SA/NV, Stéphane Bidoul
Hi Alexis,
Nice module, and great explanatory video.
It's true the current credit_control module is complex yet useful for high volume applications as you noted.
IMO, there is room for having both in OCA, provided the README of the repo explains why both modules exist.
So I think it would be a welcome addition to OCA/credit-control.
Best regards,
On Wed, Apr 22, 2020 at 12:22 PM Alexis de Lattre <> wrote:
Dear OCA friends,I published yesterday a new module called Overdue Invoice Reminder (technical name : account_invoice_overdue_reminder) :It is an alternative to the OCA module account_credit_control available on (was in OCA/account-financial-tools for v10 and under)If you want to have a demo of my new module, please look at my screencast :Why did I decide to develop "yet another module" for followup ? Because I deployed the account_credit_control module for several companies (in v10), and the experience was not very positive, and they all stopped using it shortly after the deployment. My feeling about this OCA module is that it is like an army tank designed to send millions of followup letters ; the usability is not so good and it's not possible to customize the email/letters. Also, this module is very big (1900 line of python code) and difficult to modify because it is quite complex. That's why I decided to start the development of a new module from scratch. My main goals were:- give full control on the overdue email/letters to the user,- usability and easy the understand,- simplicity (700 lines of Python code, easy to read and understand),- reminders by email by default, with the possibility to also send letters and make phone calls.Please look at the README of the module for more info about the module (and its limitations) :I haven't submitted this module to OCA because of the rule "1 module per feature". But, if you think that this module should be in OCA, I'm ready to submit it. Anyway, your feedback on this module is welcomed. But don't forget that I want to KEEP THIS MODULE SIMPLE, so I may refuse features that add too much complexity.P.S. : I plan to backport this module to v10 after the first feedbacks.
--Alexis de Lattre
Akretion France - 27 rue Henri Rolland - 69100 Villeurbanne - France
Mail : alexis.delattre@akretion.comMobile : +33 6 99 08 92 45_______________________________________________
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Yet another followup module ?
byAlexinux, Alexis de Lattre-
Re: Yet another followup module ?
byClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA, Daniel Reis -
Re: Yet another followup module ?
byClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA, Daniel Reis -
Re: Yet another followup module ?
byClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA, Daniel Reis -
RE: Yet another followup module ?
byModuon Team, S. L., Rafael Blasco (Moduon) -