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Sale Order packaging without specify products
Francesco Ballerini
I am searching (for Odoo v14) a module which add a one2many on sale order, linking SO with multiple product packaging objects.
More details
Long time ago I've been asked to make implementations for a workflow when we need to define product packaging objects in a Sale Order so that we can store packaging dimensions, compute the proper rate and send some info to the carrier.
We don't want to define any package on sale order line, or link specific products to a packaging: we just need to define an X number of packaging objects related to the sale order.
Also, we want to do it from sale order because we adjust product lines accordingly to the "on hand quantity" directly on sale order, before picking generation, plus we don't manage backorder in the classic Odoo way, so picking is basically only "validate" for us.
I already have developed the workflow, but it's not properly integrated with some Odoo modules/models so I want to make some refactors and possibly integrate it with some OCA modules like product_packaging_dimension to use already implemented features when possible.
But I did not find anything covering this, possibly did I miss it?
Francesco Ballerini
Re: Sale Order packaging without specify products
byClosingAp Open Source Integrators Europe, LDA, Daniel Reis -