Connectors mailing list archives


Fwd: Magento connector v10

Akretion France, David BEAL
- 08/02/2017 18:52:00
Hi all,

Akretion worked since a long time with Magento.
We have several customers using Magento connectors with Odoo v6, or v7.

Now it's time join a real good version, Odoo V10.
Customers want to reach it.

Akretion search some other contributors to help to port Magento connector
to v10 version.

... and akretion's customers want pay you for it.

We need to gather skilled people on this project.

Let know us if you are interested to work for us and our customers

In our projects we have to port this module

and also bundle products import introduced in v7, that must be cleaned to be generic in v10

and also some extra small features.

We are fully booked by a lot of projects to port in v10 (ecommerce, manufacturing, etc.)
and we need people to help on Magento side.

Please, let us know if you have question on it.

for further informations.

Thanks a lot

Bonne journée

David BEAL - Akretion
Odoo Development / Integration