01:30 - Adhoc Power Meter - How to measure if you are really helping your costumer evolve (45mins)
Gonzalo Ruzafa and María Florencia Frigieri ParmaDone
11:00 - How to use Github as a Functional Analyst
Victor ChamponnoisDone
11:30 - How to contribute to OCA module translations - using Weblate - Functional
Rémi CazenaveDone
02:45 - Treasury management: Let's make it happen!
Jordi Ballester AlomarDone
10:00 - How to Contribute to the OCA - Functional
OCA Functional WorkgroupDone
04:45 - What's new in RMA and repairs
Aaron Henriquez and Alex ParisDone
10:30 - Additional features on Project Milestones
Julie LeBrun and Julien JézéquelDone
11:00 - A journey to the new warehouse Control Centre
Jacques-Etienne BaudouxDone
02:15 - web_custom_modifiers and web_custom_label : 2 modules for easy customization without coding
Quentin Lavallée-Bourdeau and Julie Le BrunDone
03:15 - CO2 emissions – Track them all seamlessly using Odoo Accounting (1hr)
Benoît ChambourdonDone
04:15 - Stock Reservation Areas. Free your stock!
Location: Kintaikyo Room - 2nd Floor
11/6/23, 4:15 PM
11/6/23, 4:45 PM
(30 minutes)
Maria De Luna
Maria de Luna has been an Odoo Consultant and developer for the last 2 years at ForgeFlow with a background in Industrial Engineering and Computer Science.
This talk will give you an overview of the standard reservation flow in Odoo and will introduce a new concept: Reserve Areas. A very useful tool to manage more efficiently available stock and reservations.