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RE: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
by "Rafael Blasco" <> - 16/05/2022 17:44:20
De: Rafael Blasco <>
Enviado el: lunes, 16 de mayo de 2022 17:34
Para: 'Odoo Community Association (OCA) Contributors' <>
Asunto: RE: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
In my side, the request is closed. Don’t worry I won’t be PSC, I’m a functional contributor!
Do you mean, I don’t have enough technical knowledge? Or functional? 😃
So, without technical knowledge I can’t be PSC?
If Pedro thinks they don’t need help I don’t have to be PSC, no problem 😊 I will happy and kindly contribute. I don’t need to be PSC.
But to clarify, I don’t have enough technical knowledge because even though I’m a Computer Science Engineer I don’t develop. I agree.
Harald is PSC, also don’t develop, is functional, and he have a really well knowledge and we are together in the OCA Code Sprint fixing together issues around Spanish Localization
In the other hand, I don’t want any contributor miss understand Pedro’s opinion (technical opinion) about my knowledge:
- I have a deep and long knowledge in Finance and Taxation In Spain, Certified by Madrid Chamber of Commerce since 2013.
- I have contributed with design and legal validation Spanish Localization Modules since 2015 catching BUGs like this one. Or validating legally like here.
- I’ve been implementing Odoo Accounting with Spanish Localization since OpenERP 6.1 in Antiun Ingeniería. You can check attached an Excel with the 119 OCA Modules we contribute o create in OCA from Antiun Ingeniería where I was the Odoo Project Manager. Been Antiun Top10 contributor in Odoo Apps.
- I was in the OCA Board
- Finish, I haven’t broke anythink merging PRs since 2015 (see image 3D from Github Bellow)
😃 Don’t worry and be happy!
Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
by "Rafael Blasco" <> - 13/05/2022 17:51:43 - 0-
RE: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byModuon Team, S. L., Rafael Blasco (Moduon) -
RE: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byModuon Team, S. L., Jairo Llopis -
RE: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byModuon Team, S. L., Rafael Blasco (Moduon) -
RE: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
by "Rafael Blasco" <> - 16/05/2022 17:44:20 - 2 -
RE: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byModuon Team, S. L., Rafael Blasco (Moduon) -
Re: Proposing myself as l10n-spain PSC
byModuon Team, S. L., Jairo Llopis -