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Re: tool: Odoo Modules Migration
byYou can send me an email if you want and I could show you.
I am the author of 'oca-port' so I'll try to answer your questions.
These two tools aim two different purposes, but have few common points:
- oca-port: it doesn't really know what is Odoo, this tool only plays with commits of git repositories to help the user to:
1) migrate the git history of the module ('git format-patch' dance) and run pre-commit before inviting the user to follow the OCA migration guide. It'll also request GitHub API to find a open PR to invite the user to review it instead of creating a new one.
2) for modules already migrated, it'll list the commits and related PRs that could be ported to fill the gap (fixes or features)
3) a parsable output is available so we at Camptocamp are using it to scan OCA repositories and generate reports to estimate the work to achieve for migration projects (which modules are 100% ported, missing some fixes/features, have to be migrated and which ones having a PR to review)
- odoo-module-migrator: from what I know (I do not use this tool yet) its job is to help you to migrate Odoo code to the target version (e.g. if a XML tag has been deprecated, it'll warn or update to the new format).
Both tools could be used together, my idea would be that 'oca-port' leverages 'odoo-module-migrator' to automatically update the code in a migration process. From now, the user can call 'oca-port' then call 'odoo-module-migrator' manually (not tested), no big deal.
I think the common points right now is that 'odoo-module-migrator' also does the 'git format-patch' step, and run pre-commit.
FYI I also started an Odoo project that scans all kind of git repositories (OCA, Odoo, private repos) to collect modules metadata and consolidate all these data in one place, and it leverages oca-port to collect the migration data presented above. This tool aims to help functional & technical people with these kind of features:
- get number of lines of code (Python/JS/XML/CSS) by module/repo/branch/organization or any filter you want
- for maintainers, get a quick overview of the state of their modules
- what are the most used OCA addons among all your Odoo projects
- in term of lines of code of a customer project, how are they distributed among Odoo, OCA and specifics
- generate reports to ease the estimation of migration projects for a given migration path (e.g. 14.0 -> 16.0)
- know all Python dependencies used in OCA to avoid versions conflicts or to improve security updates
A lot of use cases could be addressed I guess. I'll probably make a presentation of this at OCA Days (need to finish some stuff, do some cleanup, host the code in a OCA repository, and address some questions regarding the hosting).
Kind regards,
Le 04/10/2023 à 09:26, Rafael Blasco a écrit :
This is a really nice topic to have a doc/talk about for new contributor. Maybe for OCA DAys
- Which is the use of both tool?
- Why 2 and not just a single 1? (they should be different with different authors)
- A "How to" for newcontribs are really useful to increase OCA
It is not trivial and easy for everyone. The moment we take things for granted we lose contributors along the way.
Thank you!
De: Alexandre Fayolle <>
Enviado el: martes, 26 de septiembre de 2023 10:03
Para: Contributors <>
Asunto: Re: tool: Odoo Modules Migration
Hello, you should check oca-port too
Best regards
Alexandre Fayolle
Senior Software Engineer
Tel : +33 4 58 48 20 30
De: Fernando La Chica <>
Enviado el: lunes, 18 de septiembre de 2023 23:08
Para: Contributors <>
Asunto: Re: tool: Odoo Modules Migration
Take a look at this tool
At first I thought it was the same tool. I understand that it is out of the scope of your tool but I think it can be useful for your final objective which is to migrate a large number of modules.
El lun, 18 sept 2023, 9:37, Jan Suhr | Nitrokey <> escribió:
I wrote a simple tool which helps me keeping an overview of module
upgrades during ongoing upgrade projects, especially for a large amount
of modules. I hope someone finds it useful.
Best regards
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-- Sébastien Alix Business Solutions Odoo Developer Camptocamp France SA
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tool: Odoo Modules Migration
byNitrokey GmbH, Jan Suhr-
Re: tool: Odoo Modules Migration
RE: tool: Odoo Modules Migration
byModuon Team, S. L., Rafael Blasco (Moduon) -
Re: tool: Odoo Modules Migration
byCamptocamp France SAS, Alexandre Fayolle -